Beard Transplant in Albania

at the Queen Clinic in Tirana with the best specialists

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I had an abdominoplasty 3 months ago and I am very satisfied with the results. I had a lot of flabby skin and stretch marks from pregnancy and childbirth, and the abdominoplasty removed all that and gave me a flat, toned abdomen. I feel much more confident about my body now.

Hortensia Vaccarino, 20 hours ago

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I am very happy to share my experience at Queen Clinic in Istanbul. I came from Italy to undergo liposuction and could not be more satisfied with the results.

Olga Torelli, 4 days ago

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I had dental implants 6 months ago and I am very satisfied with the results. I had lost some teeth due to gum disease, and the dental implants restored my smile. I feel much more confident now when I smile.

Gerardo Auletta, 6 days ago

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I am more confident

I am very satisfied with the results of my hair transplant. I had been losing my hair for many years and it was starting to affect my self-esteem. I did some research and found a trusted surgeon who performed the procedure. The procedure was quick and painless, and recovery was relatively easy.

Aquilino Presti, 9 days ago

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Taking advantage of the most advanced advances, we offer our patients the benefits of cutting-edge diagnoses, treatments and solutions.

Leading Doctors In The Field

We have invited only the best and most experienced consultants and physicians in Albania to work with us. An unwavering commitment to excellence.

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It takes absolutely nothing to get a free online consultation from the best doctors in the world. We have made this process very easy and free for everyone, forever.

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Every year we help more than 4,000 patients from countries such as the United States, Italy, England, France, Germany, Spain, etc. to improve their health and appearance.

Trapianto di barba in sintesi

Number Of Sessions


Time Of Operation

4-5 hours

Persistence Of Results

A Lifetime



Sensitivity Time

3-15 Days

Time To Return To Work

3 Days


Sedation And Local Anesthesia


Every Season

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Prima e dopo il Trapianto di Barba in Albania

Trapianto di barba in Albania

Il trapianto di barba in Albania vi aiuterà a liberare il potenziale di una barba perfetta. Alla Queen Clinic siamo specializzati nel trasformare i peli del viso sottili o a chiazze in un segno di sicurezza e mascolinità. Sono garantite tecnologie moderne, uno staff impegnato di medici esperti e risultati eccellenti che vanno oltre le vostre aspettative. Visitate la Queen Clinic per scoprire la professionalità e la precisione del trapianto di barba e per apprezzare la ricchezza e la bellezza di una barba folta. Migliorate il vostro livello di stile e lasciate che la vostra barba parli da sola. Queen Clinic è la vostra destinazione per una trasformazione della barba che sia veramente unica. Contattandoci è possibile ottenere una consulenza gratuita online.

What is Beard Transplantation?

Il trapianto di barba in Albania è un trattamento chirurgico che prevede il trapianto di follicoli piliferi, in genere dal cuoio capelluto, nell’area della barba, per risolvere problemi come la presenza di peli facciali deboli o a chiazze. Questa procedura è ideale per le persone che faticano a farsi crescere una barba folta o che presentano cicatrici o altri problemi che influiscono sulla densità e sull’aspetto della barba. Scegliendo un chirurgo esperto e seguendo le linee guida per la cura post-operatoria, gli individui possono ottenere risultati duraturi e dall’aspetto naturale, migliorando le loro caratteristiche facciali e aumentando la fiducia in se stessi. L’Albania è rinomata per la sua esperienza nel trapianto di barba, il che la rende una destinazione eccellente per coloro che cercano questa procedura di trasformazione.

The Beard Transplantation Procedure

Il trapianto di barba in Albania è una tecnica medica che prevede l’estrazione e il trapianto di follicoli piliferi da una regione del corpo all’area della barba, spesso il cuoio capelluto. 

Here's a breakdown of how the process works:


La procedura inizia con un consulto con uno dei nostri chirurghi esperti in trapianto di barba in Albania. Durante questa sessione, il chirurgo controllerà il modello di peli facciali del paziente, discuterà lo stile e la densità della barba desiderata e valuterà la posizione del donatore, che spesso è la parte posteriore o laterale della testa per trovare follicoli piliferi adeguati.

Donor Hair Extraction

On the day of the surgery, the patient is prepped by given local anesthetic to guarantee their comfort. The surgeon then carefully removes individual hair follicles from the donor region using a specialized extraction method such as follicular unit extraction (FUE) or strip harvesting. FUE involves extracting individual hair follicles using a tiny punch instrument, whereas strip harvesting involves removing a strip of scalp tissue containing hair follicles.

Preparation of the Recipient Area 

After harvesting the hair follicles, the surgeon prepares the recipient area in the beard region. This entails creating tiny incisions or punctures in the skin to implant the new hair follicles. The incisions are made deliberately to mirror the natural growth pattern of beard hair, resulting in a natural and visually acceptable appearance.

Hair Follicle Transplantation

Hair follicles are carefully removed and implanted into the target region. The surgeon carefully inserts each follicle into the created incisions, taking into account the angle, direction, and density of the natural beard hair. This methodical process guarantees that the transplanted hair blends in with the existing beard hair, resulting in a natural and harmonious appearance.

Post-Transplant Care

Following the operation, the patient will be given full post-transplant care instructions. This may involve cleaning the recipient region, avoiding intense activity, and adhering to a specific hair care program. The transplanted hair sheds after a few weeks, but fresh hair growth appears after a few months. The transplanted hair follicles gradually develop and mix in with the existing beard hair, so the complete effects may not be visible for several months.

Suitable Candidates for Beard Transplantation

These are some candidates that are suitable for beard transplantation:

  • Individuals with spotty or uneven beard growth may benefit from transplanting in order to obtain a fuller and more even beard.
  • Individuals with scars in the beard region, such as those caused by accidents, burns, or previous surgery, might undergo transplantation to restore hair growth and disguise the scars.
  • Hereditary Restrictions: Due to hereditary causes, some people have limited beard development. 
  • Imbalances in hormones, such as low testosterone levels, might contribute to poor beard development.

Benefits and Advantages of Beard Transplantation

The benefits of the beard transplantation process are a lot, for those who want to enhance their beard. Here are some of the main advantages:

  1. Improved Beard Density
  2. Natural and Aesthetic Results
  3. Permanent Solution
  4. Minimal Scarring
  5. Fast Recovery

Results and Expectations

Il risultato di un trattamento di trapianto di barba eseguito presso la nostra struttura albanese può variare in base ad una serie di fattori, tra cui la qualità dei peli dell’individuo, la disponibilità dell’area donatrice, il metodo chirurgico impiegato e la cura post-operatoria. Ecco alcuni aspetti cruciali da considerare per quanto riguarda i risultati e le aspettative del trapianto di barba:

1. Natural-Looking Results: Skilled surgeons strive for natural-looking outcomes that mix in with the existing beard hair.

2. Gradual Hair Growth: Immediately after a beard transplant, the transplanted hair follicles enter a resting period and are shed within a few weeks. This is an expected aspect of the procedure. New hair growth usually begins within a few months and improves gradually over time. As the transplanted hair grows and matures, the complete effects may take 9 to 12 months to become obvious.

3. Individual Variation: Everyone has different hair features, such as texture, color, and growth rate. These elements can have an impact on the final outcome of the beard transplantation operation. Though attempts are made to produce a harmonic mix, it is crucial to have realistic expectations and accept that the transplanted hair may not completely match the exact qualities of the existing beard hair.

4. Design e densità personalizzati: I pazienti lavoreranno direttamente con uno dei nostri chirurghi specializzati in Albania durante il processo di consultazione per discutere lo stile di barba preferito, la densità e gli obiettivi estetici generali. Il chirurgo utilizzerà la sua esperienza per progettare un piano personalizzato che si adatti ai tratti del viso e alle preferenze dell’individuo. I nostri chirurghi, d’altra parte, comunicheranno apertamente per raggiungere la comprensione reciproca e l’allineamento delle aspettative.

5. Long-Term Solution: Beard transplantation is a long-term and permanent option for people who want to increase the density and appearance of their beards.

Post-Transplant Care and Follow-up

Post-care and follow-up are critical components of the beard transplantation procedure in order to promote optimal healing, avoid problems, and get the best results possible. Following a beard transplanting operation, below are some post-care and follow-up guidelines:

  • Gentle Cleansing: Our surgeon will provide instructions on how to clean the transplanted area to maintain hygiene and prevent infection. Typically, gentle washing with a mild shampoo or cleanser is recommended. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the transplanted area, and instead, pat it dry with a clean towel.
  • Avoiding Activities: Avoiding activities that may dislodge the transplanted hair follicles is critical, especially during the first healing phase. Avoiding excessive rubbing, scratching, or pulling on the beard region is part of this. Additionally, refrain from intense activity, swimming, or exposure to severe heat or sunshine for the duration prescribed by your surgeon.
  • Protecting the Transplanted region: Keep the transplanted region safe from any trauma or harm. Avoid wearing clothing or accessories that are too tight to rub against your beard. During the early healing phase, your surgeon may advise you to wear a protective cover or bandage.
  • Follow-Up meetings: It is critical to schedule regular follow-up meetings with our surgeons to monitor the healing process, examine the development of transplanted hair, and address any concerns or issues you may have. Attend these visits on time to ensure that you receive adequate care and assistance during your recovery period.
  • Patience and Time: Keep in mind that the full effects of a beard transplantation surgery need time to develop. Allow the transplanted hair follicles to complete their natural growth cycle. New hair growth usually starts after a few months, and steady improvement continues for several months. Follow your surgeon's instructions and give enough time for the full effects to become obvious.

Perché scegliere Queen Clinic in Albania per il trapianto di barba?

Choosing the appropriate facility is critical when it comes to making your beard aspirations a reality. Here are some of the reasons why our clinic is the best option for your beard transplantation journey:

Expertise and Experience

La nostra clinica in Albania dispone di uno staff di chirurghi altamente competenti ed esperti, specializzati nel trapianto di barba. Ci impegniamo a fornire risultati eccellenti grazie alla nostra esperienza pluriennale e al nostro curriculum di trattamenti di successo. Affidatevi alla creatività e all’abilità dei nostri medici per creare una barba dall’aspetto naturale ed esteticamente attraente, che completi le vostre caratteristiche facciali.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

We are equipped with modern technologies to provide the best results for our clients and to make sure everything goes safely. The modern techniques we have will leave you pleased.

Personalized Approach

We recognize that everyone has different objectives and expectations for their beard. That is why, in each situation, we adopt a customized approach, thoroughly examining your needs during an in-depth consultation. Our doctors collaborate with you to create a treatment plan that is specific to your desired beard style, density, and look.

Natural and Aesthetic Results

Our dedication to producing natural-looking outcomes distinguishes us. Our trained surgeons carefully transplant the hair follicles, ensuring that they are positioned at the proper angles and densities to mix in with your existing beard hair. The end result? A beard that not only looks good but also improves the overall appearance of your face.

Comprehensive Support

La nostra clinica in Albania si concentra sull’assistenza post-operatoria e fornisce una consulenza completa per tutta la durata della riabilitazione. Per garantire un processo di recupero senza intoppi, il nostro personale fornisce ampie indicazioni sulla pulizia appropriata, sui farmaci e sulle attività da evitare. Possiamo monitorare i vostri progressi e gestire rapidamente qualsiasi problema con regolari sessioni di follow-up.

Patient Satisfaction

La nostra clinica in Albania è molto soddisfatta della felicità dei suoi pazienti. Diamo valore alla comunicazione aperta e vi forniremo tutte le informazioni necessarie per prendere una decisione informata sul processo di trapianto della barba. Numerose persone si sono affidate a noi per il cambio della barba e il loro feedback positivo la dice lunga sul calibro dei nostri servizi.

Frequently Asked Questions

The length of the process is determined by the individual situation and the number of hair follicles implanted. A beard transplantation surgery might take several hours on average.

To enhance your comfort, local anesthetic is given throughout the treatment. While some people may suffer slight discomfort or pinprick-like sensations during anesthetic administration and the extraction/transplantation process, the operation itself is typically well-tolerated.

Yes, hair follicles implanted are usually permanent. It is crucial to remember, however, that the natural aging process may still have an impact on hair quality over time.

Within a few weeks of the surgery, the transplanted hair follicles will shed. New hair growth usually begins after a few months, and steady improvement continues for several months, just like a normal hair transplant procedure. It may take 9 to 12 months for the full effects to be visible.

There are dangers and negative outcomes, like with any surgical operation. Temporary swelling, bruising, redness, or scabbing in the recipient and donor locations are possible. In rare circumstances, infection or anesthesia-related problems may arise. Choosing a trained and experienced surgeon, on the other hand, considerably reduces these risks.

Most people can resume their daily activities within a few days of the surgery. However, it is critical to follow your surgeon's post-operative recommendations, which include refraining from hard exercise, swimming, severe heat or sunshine, and touching or scratching the transplanted region.