Eyebrow Transplant in Albania

at the Queen Clinic in Tirana with the best specialists

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Surprising results

I had an abdominoplasty 3 months ago and I am very satisfied with the results. I had a lot of flabby skin and stretch marks from pregnancy and childbirth, and the abdominoplasty removed all that and gave me a flat, toned abdomen. I feel much more confident about my body now.

Hortensia Vaccarino, 20 hours ago

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I am very happy

I am very happy to share my experience at Queen Clinic in Istanbul. I came from Italy to undergo liposuction and could not be more satisfied with the results.

Olga Torelli, 4 days ago

5 out of five star rating on Trustpilot

Very satisfied with the results

I had dental implants 6 months ago and I am very satisfied with the results. I had lost some teeth due to gum disease, and the dental implants restored my smile. I feel much more confident now when I smile.

Gerardo Auletta, 6 days ago

5 out of five star rating on Trustpilot

I am more confident

I am very satisfied with the results of my hair transplant. I had been losing my hair for many years and it was starting to affect my self-esteem. I did some research and found a trusted surgeon who performed the procedure. The procedure was quick and painless, and recovery was relatively easy.

Aquilino Presti, 9 days ago

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The Latest Technologies

Taking advantage of the most advanced advances, we offer our patients the benefits of cutting-edge diagnoses, treatments and solutions.

Leading Doctors In The Field

We have invited only the best and most experienced consultants and physicians in Albania to work with us. An unwavering commitment to excellence.

Free Online Consultation

It takes absolutely nothing to get a free online consultation from the best doctors in the world. We have made this process very easy and free for everyone, forever.

Reliable Worldwide

Every year we help more than 4,000 patients from countries such as the United States, Italy, England, France, Germany, Spain, etc. to improve their health and appearance.

Trapianto di sopracciglia in sintesi

Number Of Sessions


Time Of Operation

2-3 hours

Persistence Of Results




Sensitivity Time

3-15 Days

Time To Return To Work

3 Days


Sedation And Local Anesthesia


Every Season

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Prima e dopo il Trapianto di Sopracciglia in Albania

Trapianto di sopracciglia in Albania: i migliori impianti di sopracciglia

Il trapianto di sopracciglia in Albania è una procedura di miglioramento della vita per le persone che necessitano di sopracciglia piene e definite. Poiché il desiderio di sopracciglia più attraenti e piene cresce di giorno in giorno, questa procedura sta diventando sempre più richiesta. La nostra clinica nel cuore di Tirana è specializzata nel trapianto di sopracciglia e si avvale di attrezzature moderne per fornire i risultati migliori. Grazie alle nostre strutture moderne e ai nostri medici esperti e professionali, forniamo ottimi risultati e procedure sofisticate. Con i nostri trattamenti per le sopracciglia raggiungerete l’obiettivo desiderato e riacquisterete fiducia in voi stessi.

What is eyebrow transplantation?

Il trapianto di sopracciglia in Albania è una procedura cosmetica che fornisce risultati duraturi che ripristinano i peli persi delle sopracciglia e le fanno apparire più piene. Le persone che soffrono di sopracciglia rade, che hanno subito la perdita di peli in quest’area a causa di un incidente o che si sono depilate in modo eccessivo, di solito considerano questo trattamento come una scelta.

Uno dei nostri esperti professionisti della Queen Clinic eseguirà questa procedura utilizzando metodi di trapianto di peli per sostituire i peli attualmente mancanti nelle sopracciglia. Una piccola parte del cuoio capelluto, di solito la zona sopra le orecchie, sarà l’area donatrice. Quest’area può includere da due a quindici follicoli piliferi. Questi follicoli sono le cellule che rendono possibile la produzione dei peli. Quest’ultimi saranno trapiantati nelle sopracciglia da uno dei chirurghi specializzati della nostra clinica in Albania. I peli delle sopracciglia saranno più visibili una volta che la pelle sarà completamente guarita dall’intervento. Il bisogno di matite per sopracciglia o di trucco sarà eliminato.

Who gets an eyebrow transplant?

Usually, individuals who have suffered from medical issues or have had certain problems regarding eyebrow hair loss, consider this procedure. The procedure can be suitable for:

  • Individuals with naturally thin eyebrows may choose eyebrow transplantation, to achieve fuller and more defined eyebrows.
  • Aging, medical conditions, trauma, burns, or over-plucking can cause hair loss in the eyebrow area.
  • Some individuals may have genetically thin-developed eyebrows. Eyebrow transplantation can provide a way to improve their look.
  • Per ottenere l’aspetto desiderato, le persone che desiderano una forma diversa delle sopracciglia, una migliore simmetria o sopracciglia esteticamente più gradevoli possono prenotare il trapianto presso la Queen Clinic in Albania.

What are the advantages of an eyebrow transplant?

Fuller and Natural-looking Eyebrows

Se avete sopracciglia sottili o rade e volete dare loro un aspetto più pieno, il trapianto di sopracciglia in Albania può essere il modo per migliorare il vostro aspetto e ottenere il risultato desiderato. Implementando i follicoli piliferi nella zona delle sopracciglia è possibile raggiungere l’aspetto desiderato.

Permanent Solution

Eyebrow transplantation is a long-lasting and permanent solution, unlike other procedures like microblading or makeup. The hairs that are implemented guarantee long-term results so you don't have to worry about their resistance.

Customizable Results

Alla Queen Clinic in Albania, i chirurghi si assicurano di collaborare con il paziente per progettare e sviluppare sopracciglia che si adattino alle caratteristiche del viso del paziente e che soddisfino le sue esigenze. Lo spessore, la simmetria e la forma delle sopracciglia preferite dal cliente saranno adattate dal chirurgo.

Improved Self-confidence

Self-esteem and confidence will increase after the eyebrow transplantation, especially with patients who have thin or nonexistent eyebrows. This will be a huge change. The face symmetry will be improved and this will lead to a more balanced and beautiful look of the client.

Minimal Downtime and Recovery

Il periodo di recupero dopo il trapianto di sopracciglia in Albania è rapido. Questa procedura non richiede di passare la notte in ospedale. I pazienti possono di solito tornare alle loro attività quotidiane entro i primi giorni se seguono una buona cura post-operatoria.

Natural Hair Growth

After time passes no more maintenance or special care is needed as the hair follicles continue to develop naturally. As natural eyebrows they can be trimmed, sculpted and you can give the shape you desire.

The Eyebrow Transplantation Procedure

La consultazione con uno dei nostri professionisti presso la nostra clinica in Albania è il primo passo da prendere in considerazione. Il medico esaminerà le condizioni delle sopracciglia del paziente e verranno discussi gli obiettivi. Dopodiché, il medico deciderà se il paziente è adatto a questa procedura. I follicoli piliferi saranno prelevati da una piccola area donatrice, che di solito si trova nella parte posteriore del cuoio capelluto o vicino all’orecchio. La somiglianza della consistenza e del modello di crescita di questa sezione è simile a quella dei peli delle sopracciglia, per cui è stata scelta quest’area.

To guarantee the comfort of the patient which is one of our top priorities, local anesthesia is administered. The donor and the eyebrows are numbed. This eliminates the pain and discomfort during the procedure. Follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular unit transplantation (FUT) procedures are the methods used to extract hair follicles from the back of the head.

Small dots are created in the eyebrows, where the patient requires more hair. Taking into account the natural direction and pattern of brow hair development the specialist carefully makes these tiny incisions. The hair that is collected from the donor area is carefully placed in the eyebrows. Our specialized doctors will implement the follicles of hair at the proper angle and depth, to achieve a natural-looking result that will leave you satisfied. Eyebrow transplantation requires a lot of attention and accuracy from the doctor. The postoperative period is really important and you should follow the instructions carefully.

During the first weeks, the eyebrows are going to shed and undergo a period of rest but you should worry as it is a normal process. The results will begin to show after a few months and at 9-12 months the recovery process will be fully completed.

Pre-operative Preparations

La preparazione prima del trapianto di sopracciglia in Albania prevede diverse fasi per garantire una procedura sicura ed efficace. Il chirurgo della nostra clinica vi incontrerà per una prima consultazione. Gli argomenti che verranno discussi saranno: lo stato attuale delle vostre sopracciglia, i vostri obiettivi e le vostre aspettative per questa procedura; verrà esaminata la vostra anamnesi e alla fine il medico deciderà se siete adatti a questo intervento. I nostri medici saranno lieti di rispondere a tutte le vostre domande, senza alcuna esitazione. È necessaria una valutazione medica completa per esaminare il vostro stato di salute generale affinché l’intervento non subisca complicazioni. Verranno eseguiti alcuni esami di laboratorio e fisici.

If you are currently using any medications, drugs, or treatment you will need to disclose this information with our doctors because some of these factors might interfere with the brow transplantation procedure or the aftercare. Our surgeons can give you advice on specific lifestyle alterations that may need to be changed for the surgery to go smoothly. Alcohol, smoking, drugs, and blood-thinning substances that can cause bleeding should be avoided. Detailed instructions will be given by our specialists regarding eating, washing the face, and the skincare steps. You should listen to your doctor carefully when he is describing the steps as it is crucial to ensure a smooth and safe eyebrow transplantation. 

When the day comes, have someone send you to the clinic and wait for you there as you will not be able to drive by yourself. If it is possible, have someone take care of you the first two days following the procedure as you may not be able to do some tasks by yourself. Our clinic will provide follow-up sessions with the surgeon that did the procedure for him to check the progress and to get the best result possible.

Post-operative Care and Recovery

To get the best results possible after the eyebrow transplantation, the aftercare procedure and rehabilitation are critical. Here are some of the guidelines you should follow:

Follow Surgeon's Instructions

Our surgeons will discuss with you clear instructions that you should strictly follow. Your specific requirements are going to be discussed and the care plan will be provided to you. If you follow the steps the road to recovery will be easier.

Medications and Topical Treatments

The doctor will prescribe you painkiller medicine to reduce the possibility of infection and discomfort.

Protect the Transplanted Area

Avoid contact with the eyebrows because you can displace the grafts and this will cause scars. Extreme heat, sunshine, or heavy rain should be avoided as the area is sensitive. 

Gentle Cleansing

A light cleaner will be provided for you to clean the eyebrows. Our specialists will teach you how to gently clean to avoid infection and not cause any harm.

Avoid Activities

Intense activity and exercises that produce excessive breathing should be avoided in the early recovery stage. Based on the time that has passed, you will be advised on when you can continue this kind of activity.

Be Mindful of Sleeping Position

You should sleep with your head raised in the suggested position after eyebrow transplantation as contact with this area should be avoided. 

Patience for Hair Growth

You should understand that hair growth needs its own time. The hair will shed first, but don't worry as this is a normal process of this procedure. Within a few months, new hair growth will begin and the final results will be visible within 9-12 months.

Perché scegliere Queen Clinic in Albania per il trapianto di sopracciglia?

Reputation and Experience

La nostra clinica in Albania è specializzata nel trapianto di sopracciglia e vanta un curriculum di trattamenti di successo. Vi consigliamo di dare un’occhiata ai nostri certificati e di verificare l’esperienza dei chirurghi che eseguiranno l’intervento presso la nostra struttura.

Before and After Photos

To determine the quality of our work we advise you to take a look at our before and after photos of our previous patients. Testimonials and reviews can also be helpful before you choose eyebrow transplantation. 

Expertise in Eyebrow Transplantation

Il trapianto di sopracciglia richiede un approccio più specialistico rispetto ad altri trapianti e la Queen Clinic in Albania offre il servizio migliore per le vostre esigenze.

Safety and Sterilization Standards

La Queen Clinic in Albania segue rigide norme di sicurezza e si attiene a rigorosi standard di sterilizzazione.

Sterile instruments are used, the operating room is hygienic and we reach global medical standards.

Consultation and Communication

Queen Clinic in Albania presta molta attenzione ai dettagli ed è disposta a consultarvi durante tutte le procedure. Per un processo di successo è necessario comunicare i propri obiettivi e le proprie aspettative e avere una buona comunicazione con il chirurgo. 

Cost and Value

Il costo e il valore sono fattori importanti da prendere in considerazione quando si decide per il trapianto di sopracciglia. Alla Queen Clinic in Albania, cerchiamo di offrire i migliori risultati al prezzo più basso possibile, in grado di soddisfare le vostre aspettative.

Frequently Asked Questions

The recovery time is expected to be 7-10 days but it also depends from person to person. Swelling, scabbing, and redness can be visible in the donor and the recipient region. If you stick to the recommendations that the surgeon is going to give you the healing process will be easier and you will get over it quickly.

Any makeup product is best to be avoided from the eyebrow area, during the early healing process. Talk to your surgeon about when it will be the right time for you to start wearing your makeup product without interrupting the healing process.

Minimal maintenance is required after eyebrow transplantation. After the transplant, the eyebrows will start to grow as normal. You can trim and groom the hair in the way that you desire.it is advised to avoid sun exposure and maintain a healthy lifestyle for the eyebrows to grow in a healthy way.