Image illustrating a patient who is considering undergoing FUE hair transplant in Turkey at Queen Clinic.

La procedura di trapianto di capelli è un ottimo modo per ripristinare la perdita di capelli e ottenere risultati duraturi, ma è importante sapere che in alcuni casi queste procedure non possono avere successo e la perdita di capelli può ripetersi. Questo fenomeno è noto come "shock loss" e se si verifica è nella fase iniziale, poco dopo l'intervento. A causa del trauma dell'intervento chirurgico, può verificarsi una temporanea caduta dei capelli esistenti insieme agli innesti appena trapiantati. Anche se la probabilità che ciò accada è bassa perché i follicoli piliferi vengono prelevati da aree meno soggette a calvizie, è comunque possibile. Dopo l'intervento, il paziente deve seguire attentamente le istruzioni post-operatorie consigliate dal chirurgo. Prenotate un consulto con uno dei nostri chirurghi specializzati qui alla Queen Clinic in Albania per comprendere meglio questa procedura e i suoi potenziali rischi.

Image illustrating the hair growth results of a patient who underwent a FUE hair transplant in Turkey at Queen Clinic.

Is it normal to lose hair after a hair transplant?

After you have undergone a hair transplants, it is normal to experience some type of hair loss in the transplanted area. This phenomenon is called “shock loss” and it occurs when the hair follicles that are transplanted into the bald areas go into a phase that is called dormant. This is considered a normal part of the healing process and happens because of the trauma that the surgery causes on the scalp. You may also notice that during the initial stage, the hair may look thinner, but don't be alarmed as it will grow thicker this time. You should keep in mind that this is a normal state and that it is a good sign that the recovery is going as it should. 

The shock will go down after three to four months and the transplanted hair follicles will start to produce like normal hair. They will start to blend more with your natural hairline and will appear thicker and healthier than before. You should know that this process requires a lot of patience. Another important thing is that you should take care of your hair in the way the doctor has advised you to make sure you get the best results. Following your doctor's advice and being patient, will allow you to enjoy the outcomes of the hair transplant procedure and gain your confidence back.

Hair Shedding Due To "Dense Packing" - Shock Loss In The Transplant Area

The dense packing phenomenon happens when the hair grafts are placed close to each other, and this will traumatize the surrounding tissue to such an extent that will make the other hair that is closer fall out. Another possible result can be an unnatural result, and this will make the hairline look worse. They will look shaggy and stand out of the head. This usually happens when hair transplant surgery is performed by inexperienced and untrained surgeons, so you have to be careful in choosing the right team of professionals to perform your hair transplant. At Queen Clinic we provide surgeons with proper experience and training to provide the best results for you. We also make sure to provide the latest technology and techniques for our patients to avoid any possible damage. 

Shock Loss In The Donor Area

Some of the most common causes of shock loss may be:

  • Incorrect local anesthesia

Saline is injected into the tissue during local anesthesia to gently lift the scalp. Injecting too much solution, on the other hand, results in higher tissue pressure. In turn, this stops blood from reaching the hair roots. The outcome is the hair thinning. 

  • Traumatized tissue

The FUT procedure is an alternative to the up-to-date and delicate FUE method, in which each graft is carefully removed. Here, a little strip of skin from the donor area is removed, and from this strip, the grafts are later removed. This may cause stress to the nearby tissue and cause shock loss.

  • Too many grafts have been taken

The amount of grafts that can be removed is still constrained, even if the hair in the donor region continues to grow completely and thickly. Shock loss may occur if the treating physician nonetheless removes more than is realistically possible.

Image illustrating a consultation between patient and doctor about the results of his FUE hair transplant at Queen Clinic in Turkey.

What About Pattern Baldness After Hair Transplant Surgery?

Baldness after the hair transplant surgery is believed to not be possible due to the fact that the transplanted hair follicles are taken from the back of the head which does not experience baldness, only in cases of accidents or burning. Due to this, the results are expected to be permanent and the hair will last through all your life. However, you should know that even if they don't fall they will start to get thinner with time because hair follicles do have a lifespan and when the time comes some patients may notice thinning or patchiness on some parts of their head. 

It is important to understand that the hair transplant procedure is done to help restore hair in the regions where they are missing and it is not considered a cure for baldness. In some cases, some patients may need another surgery to fill the areas where hair starts missing again, or they may find hair restoration treatments like laser therapy or medicine to keep their look. 

Il consulto con uno dei nostri chirurghi esperti e preparati qui alla Queen Clinic in Albania, vi aiuterà a capire meglio gli effetti collaterali e i vantaggi di questa procedura. Dovete anche tenere presente che gli obiettivi e i risultati sono unici per ogni individuo, quindi non ponetevi aspettative specifiche. Con l'aiuto del medico, deciderete qual è il trattamento migliore per voi e per le vostre esigenze e, se vi sottopongo all'intervento, sappiate che, con la giusta attenzione e le cure adeguate, sarete in grado di mantenere i risultati per tutta la vita.

How To Avoid Hair Loss After A Hair Transplant?

One thing a lot of patients wonder about is how to avoid hair loss after a hair transplant procedure and here we have a few ways that will help you with that: 

Proper Timing Of The Surgery

You should know that the time you do your surgery is important. If you decide to do it too early, hair thinning may happen because the hair follicles transplanted might have been harvested from a part of the scalp where the hair was in the process of falling. It's crucial that the doctor should understand how far their hairline will recede and the extent of the patient's baldness before they choose to undergo surgery. 

To avoid this phenomenon from happening, the most important thing you should do is choose a verified and specialized surgeon because he will help you understand where the issue stands and find the proper treatment plan for you. He will look carefully at your needs and goals and will do his best to achieve them. Besides the surgery, he may advise a combination of other treatments and medications. 

È necessario tenere presente che le aspettative sono realistiche e che i risultati sono diversi per ogni individuo a causa delle sue caratteristiche uniche. Nel complesso, l'intervento di trapianto di capelli è un ottimo modo per rimediare alla calvizie, ma non è una cura per la calvizie e non può arrestare la caduta dei capelli in futuro. I risultati sono influenzati da un'adeguata cura e manutenzione, quindi assicuratevi di attenervi ai consigli e alle raccomandazioni del vostro medico. Prenotate un consulto con uno dei nostri medici qui alla Queen Clinic in Albania per ottenere i migliori risultati possibili e un trattamento adeguato.

Image illustrating an experienced surgeon at Queen Clinic, the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey.

Picking The Right Hair Transplant Surgeon

We highly emphasize the importance of choosing the right surgeon when it comes to hair transplant surgeries because a lot of damage can happen if you don't. Balding can be one of the side effects if you don't pay attention when choosing a reputable clinic. 

Make sure to do a lot of research before choosing your surgeon and their clinic. Here at Queen Clinic in Albania abbiamo chirurghi ben preparati e con anni di esperienza in questo campo. Vi forniranno le giuste informazioni sul processo dell'intervento, sui suoi effetti collaterali e sui suoi vantaggi e durante la consultazione iniziale potrete porre qualsiasi domanda. Ci prenderemo tutto il tempo necessario per scegliere il trattamento più adatto alle vostre esigenze e ai vostri obiettivi e lavoreremo a stretto contatto con voi per assicurarci di ottenere risultati dall'aspetto naturale. Il medico dovrà anche conoscere la vostra cartella clinica, l'età e altri fattori importanti per evitare ogni possibile rischio. 

With no doubt the success of your hair transplant will depend on several factors and the skills and experience of your surgeon is one of the most important ones. By working with the right staff, you will minimize the risks and maximize the chances of achieving your goals and enjoying your new hair, all of your life.

Follow Aftercare Instructions

To achieve the finest results from your hair transplant operation, it's crucial to take proper care of both your scalp and the transplanted follicles. You will get comprehensive post-operative instructions from your hair restoration surgeon, and it's crucial to carefully follow them to reduce the chance of infections and to encourage the best possible healing. Following hair transplant surgery, here are some basic recommendations for taking care of your newly transplanted follicles and scalp:

  • Do not touch or rub your scalp in the areas where the hair has been transplanted, even if it is itchy, at least for the first days after surgery.
  • Avoid heavy lifting for about 2 weeks after surgery. 
  • You should avoid direct exposure to the sun and try to cover your head when you are outside.
  • If you want a quicker recovery process, avoid smoking and alcohol use.  
  • If the doctors prescribe you pain killer medicine and antibiotics, you should take them as directed.
  • If you experience excessive bleeding, discharge, or excessive swelling, contact our clinic immediately. 

With proper care and attention, you can enjoy the benefits of a fuller head of hair and renewed confidence for many years to come.

Image illustrating a postoperative consultation at an affordable hair transplant clinic in Turkey.

Why Is The Patient An Important Factor For The Success Of A Hair Transplant?

A patient can only succeed with a hair transplant if they are willing to work hard. The grafts are still quite sensitive a few days after the operation. In order to prevent bumps and blows, the scalp should not be handled at all - other than when washing the hair. 

Likewise, it is best to refrain from any physical activity. There is a chance that the wounds will bleed again and that the just implanted grafts will be immediately flushed out if blood pressure or pulse increases. Approximately 15 days should pass before the recovery is complete. About three weeks following the treatment, you can use the sauna, solarium, and swimming pool. After around 20 days, light exercise is allowed.

Alla Queen Clinic in Albania ci assicuriamo che tutti i nostri pazienti siano sottoposti a test adeguati prima di sottoporsi alla procedura di trapianto di capelli, per evitare che si verifichino questi problemi. I nostri medici esperti forniscono inoltre ai loro pazienti linee guida dettagliate su come prendersi cura di sé dopo un trapianto di capelli. Il nostro team è inoltre a disposizione per rispondere a qualsiasi altra domanda. Il risultato ottimale si ottiene solo con la partecipazione del paziente.


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Is it possible for hair to fall out again after a hair transplant?

La procedura di trapianto di capelli è un ottimo modo per ripristinare la perdita di capelli e ottenere risultati duraturi, ma è importante sapere che in alcuni casi queste procedure non possono avere successo e la perdita di capelli può ripetersi. Questo fenomeno è noto come “shock loss” e se si verifica è nella fase iniziale, poco dopo l’intervento. A causa del trauma dell’intervento chirurgico, può verificarsi una temporanea caduta dei capelli esistenti insieme agli innesti appena trapiantati. Anche se la probabilità che ciò accada è bassa perché i follicoli piliferi vengono prelevati da aree meno soggette a calvizie, è comunque possibile. Dopo l’intervento, il paziente deve seguire attentamente le istruzioni post-operatorie consigliate dal chirurgo. Prenotate un consulto con uno dei nostri chirurghi specializzati qui alla Queen Clinic in Albania per comprendere meglio questa procedura e i suoi potenziali rischi.

Image illustrating the hair growth results of a patient who underwent a FUE hair transplant in Turkey at Queen Clinic.

Is it normal to lose hair after a hair transplant?

After you have undergone a hair transplants, it is normal for some type of hair loss to occur in the transplanted area. This phenomenon is called "shock loss" and occurs when transplanted hair follicles in bald areas enter a phase called dormancy. This phenomenon is considered a normal part of the healing process and occurs because of the trauma that the surgery causes to the scalp. You may also notice that during the initial phase the hair may look thinner, but do not be alarmed because it will grow thicker during this period. One should keep in mind that this is a normal state and is a good sign that healing is going as it should. 

The shock will subside after three to four months, and the transplanted follicles will begin to produce like normal hair. They will begin to merge more with the natural hairline and appear thicker and healthier than before. It is good to know that this process requires a lot of patience. Another important thing is that you must take care of your hair in the way the doctor has advised to ensure that you get the best results. Following the doctor's advice and being patient will allow you to enjoy the results of the hair transplant surgery and regain your self-confidence.

Hair loss due to "Dense Packing" - Hair loss in the transplant area

The phenomenon of dense packing occurs when hair grafts are placed close to each other, and this traumatizes the surrounding tissue to such an extent that other hairs closer together fall out. Another possible result is an unnatural result, which worsens the appearance of the hairline. The hair will look shaggy and protrude from the head. This usually happens when hair transplant surgery is performed by inexperienced and untrained surgeons, so care must be taken to choose the right team of professionals to perform the hair transplant. At Queen Clinic, we provide surgeons with appropriate experience and training to give you the best results. We also make sure to provide our patients with the latest technology and techniques to avoid any possible harm. 

Loss of shock in the donor area

Some of the most common causes of shock loss may be:

  • Incorrect local anesthesia

Saline is injected into the tissue during local anesthesia to gently lift the scalp. Injecting too much solution, however, causes an increase in tissue pressure. In turn, this prevents blood from reaching the hair roots. The result is thinning of the hair. 

  • Traumatized tissue

The FUT procedure is an alternative to the FUE method, modern and delicate, in which each graft is carefully removed. In this case, a small strip of skin is removed from the donor area and grafts are subsequently removed from this strip. This can cause stress to nearby tissue and result in shock loss.

  • Too many grafts have been taken

The amount of grafts that can be removed is still constrained, even if the hair in the donor region continues to grow completely and thickly. Shock loss may occur if the treating physician nonetheless removes more than is realistically possible.

Image illustrating a consultation between patient and doctor about the results of his FUE hair transplant at Queen Clinic in Turkey.

What about baldness after hair transplant surgery?

It is believed that baldness after hair transplantation surgery is not possible because the transplanted follicles are taken from the back of the head, which is not prone to baldness, but only in case of accidents or burns. For this reason, the results are expected to be permanent and the hair is expected to last a lifetime. However, one should be aware that even if they do not fall out, they begin to thin over time, because hair follicles have a lifespan and when the time comes some patients may notice thinning or patches in some parts of the head. 

It is important to understand that the hair transplant procedure is done to help restore hair in the regions where they are missing and it is not considered a cure for baldness. In some cases, some patients may need another surgery to fill the areas where hair starts missing again, or they may find hair restoration treatments like laser therapy or medicine to keep their look. 

Il consulto con uno dei nostri chirurghi esperti e preparati qui alla Queen Clinic in Albania, vi aiuterà a capire meglio gli effetti collaterali e i vantaggi di questa procedura. Dovete anche tenere presente che gli obiettivi e i risultati sono unici per ogni individuo, quindi non ponetevi aspettative specifiche. Con l’aiuto del medico, deciderete qual è il trattamento migliore per voi e per le vostre esigenze e, se vi sottopongo all’intervento, sappiate che, con la giusta attenzione e le cure adeguate, sarete in grado di mantenere i risultati per tutta la vita.

How To Avoid Hair Loss After A Hair Transplant?

One thing a lot of patients wonder about is how to avoid hair loss after a hair transplant procedure and here we have a few ways that will help you with that: 

Correct timing of surgery

You need to know that the timing of the surgery is important. If you decide to do it too early, you may experience thinning hair because the transplanted follicles may have been taken from a part of the scalp where the hair was about to fall out. It is critical that the doctor understand the extent to which the hairline will recede and the extent of the patient's baldness before choosing to undergo the procedure. 

To prevent this from happening, the most important thing to do is to choose a verified and specialized surgeon, because he will help you understand where the problem lies and find the right treatment plan for you. He will carefully examine your needs and goals and do his best to achieve them. In addition to surgery, he may recommend a combination of other treatments and medications. 

È necessario tenere presente che le aspettative sono realistiche e che i risultati sono diversi per ogni individuo a causa delle sue caratteristiche uniche. Nel complesso, l’intervento di trapianto di capelli è un ottimo modo per rimediare alla calvizie, ma non è una cura per la calvizie e non può arrestare la caduta dei capelli in futuro. I risultati sono influenzati da un’adeguata cura e manutenzione, quindi assicuratevi di attenervi ai consigli e alle raccomandazioni del vostro medico. Prenotate un consulto con uno dei nostri medici qui alla Queen Clinic in Albania per ottenere i migliori risultati possibili e un trattamento adeguato.

Image illustrating an experienced surgeon at Queen Clinic, the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey.

Picking The Right Hair Transplant Surgeon

We emphasize the importance of choosing the right surgeon when it comes to hair transplant surgery because a lot of damage can occur otherwise. Baldness can be one of the side effects if care is not taken when choosing a reliable clinic. 

Make sure to do a lot of research before choosing your surgeon and their clinic. Here at Queen Clinic in Albania abbiamo chirurghi ben preparati e con anni di esperienza in questo campo. Vi forniranno le giuste informazioni sul processo dell’intervento, sui suoi effetti collaterali e sui suoi vantaggi e durante la consultazione iniziale potrete porre qualsiasi domanda. Ci prenderemo tutto il tempo necessario per scegliere il trattamento più adatto alle vostre esigenze e ai vostri obiettivi e lavoreremo a stretto contatto con voi per assicurarci di ottenere risultati dall’aspetto naturale. Il medico dovrà anche conoscere la vostra cartella clinica, l’età e altri fattori importanti per evitare ogni possibile rischio. 

No doubt the success of your hair transplant will depend on several factors, and the skills and experience of your surgeon are one of the most important. By working with the right personnel, you will minimize your risks and maximize your chances of achieving your goals and enjoying your new hair for a lifetime.

Follow Aftercare Instructions

To get the best results from hair transplant surgery, it is essential to take good care of the scalp and transplanted follicles. Your hair transplant surgeon will provide you with complete instructions for the postoperative phase, and it is critical to follow closely to reduce the possibility of infection and promote the best possible healing. After hair transplant surgery, here are some basic recommendations for taking care of the newly transplanted follicles and scalp:

  • Do not touch or rub the scalp in areas where hair was transplanted, even if it is itchy, at least for the first few days after surgery.
  • Avoid lifting heavy loads for about 2 weeks after surgery. 
  • You should avoid direct exposure to the sun and try to cover your head when outdoors.
  • If a faster recovery process is desired, avoid smoking and alcohol use.  
  • If the doctors prescribe you pain killer medicine and antibiotics, you should take them as directed.
  • If you experience excessive bleeding, discharge, or excessive swelling, contact our clinic immediately. 

With proper care and attention, you can enjoy the benefits of a fuller head of hair and renewed confidence for many years to come.

Image illustrating a postoperative consultation at an affordable hair transplant clinic in Turkey.

Why Is The Patient An Important Factor For The Success Of A Hair Transplant?

A patient can be successful with a hair transplant only if he or she is willing to work hard. The grafts are still quite sensitive a few days after surgery. To avoid bumps and blows, the scalp should not be touched at all, except to wash the hair. 

Similarly, it is best to refrain from any physical activity. There is a possibility that the wounds will bleed again and the newly implanted grafts will be immediately expelled if the blood pressure or pulse increases. It should take about 15 days before recovery is complete. About three weeks after treatment, the sauna, solarium and swimming pool can be used. After about 20 days, light exercise is allowed.

Alla Queen Clinic in Albania ci assicuriamo che tutti i nostri pazienti siano sottoposti a test adeguati prima di sottoporsi alla procedura di trapianto di capelli, per evitare che si verifichino questi problemi. I nostri medici esperti forniscono inoltre ai loro pazienti linee guida dettagliate su come prendersi cura di sé dopo un trapianto di capelli. Il nostro team è inoltre a disposizione per rispondere a qualsiasi altra domanda. Il risultato ottimale si ottiene solo con la partecipazione del paziente.