Image illustrating a man considering undergoing a hair transplant in Turkey.

Hair loss is a very common problem and it can be difficult to deal with as it can take a toll on both your mental and physical state. Fortunately, nowadays technology has developed and there are several technologies and procedures available to deal with this issue and help you regain your self-confidence. As you might know, the hair transplant procedure is the most effective technique to grow your hair back. There can be several types of hair transplant techniques and most of them involve transplanting hair follicles from the back of the head to the donor area where hair is missing. In this blog article, we will focus on factors to consider before getting a hair transplants and some advantages that a hair transplant might offer, to make you understand better and make the right choice for yourself.

Factors To Consider Before A Hair Transplant

Image illustrating a hair transplant consultation in Turkey at Queen Clinic.

Type of hair loss

One important factor that the doctor will consider with you, is if the hair loss is temporary or permanent. Sometimes hair can fall due to malnutrition, stress, or postpartum, so they don't need a hair transplant treatment because it is just temporary and they will often be solved over time without the need for surgery. 

If someone is diagnosed with androgenetic hair loss, which can happen in both men and women and is very common, then the hair transplant is considered the right, proper treatment because it offers long-lasting and natural results. This type of condition is caused due to hereditary factors and hormones and it affects the scalp causing permanent hair loss. These issues can cause a lot of self-esteem issues making them feel conscious about their appearance. This condition can be successfully treated by a hair transplant procedure and the results will be amazing. 

Another great use of hair transplant is when hair loss is caused by injuries or burns in the scalp area. Because no other treatment will have any effect on this type of problem, this leaves the hair transplant technique the only choice. 

The type of hair loss and what has caused it will be determined by a professional surgeon and he will decide if you are a suitable candidate for this procedure or if you need another treatment.

Quality of hair supply

Another important factor your doctor will need to consider before proceeding with the hair transplant procedure is the quality of the hair supply. The procedure consists of the doctor taking the healthy hair follicles from the back of the scalp and implementing them in the recipient area which are the balding spots. So, to be considered a good candidate for this procedure, the hair should be in good condition. 

The donor area will usually be the back or the sides of the scalp. The hair in this region is usually healthier and thicker which means that when the hair is implemented in the recipient area it will grow out in the same way. The hair on the back of the head is also less likely to fall, which makes this region perfect to be the donor area. 

The transplanted hair follicles will continue to grow in a natural way, resulting in a natural hairline and thicker, denser hair. Even Though this is a great way to deal with hair loss, you should keep in mind that not everyone is considered a suitable candidate for a hair transplant procedure and a consultation with a certified surgeon at Queen Clinic will determine that.

Image of a doctor assessing a patient's hair before proceeding with a hair transplant in Turkey.

Age of the candidate

The hairline will continue to develop until you are 25, so surgeons advise you to wait a little bit even if you are experiencing premature hair loss. Even though some people can suffer from hair loss due to several factors, you should still wait for its full development before deciding whether to go further with this procedure or not. You should also keep in mind that if you have a hair transplant done at a young age you may need further treatments over time because the other hair will continue to fall. 

Candidate's health

Just like with any other cosmetic surgery, the candidate should be in great health before going through with hair transplant surgery. You will need to talk with your doctor about your medical history because some conditions can make you not suitable for this procedure. The better the immune system, the quicker the recovery process. Your health conditions will most likely not affect the procedure and your suitability for it but just to make sure you should talk to your doctor about it to prevent any infection or damage to your health. 

Hair type

Another important factor that your doctor needs to consider before the hair transplant procedure is the hair type of the patient. As an example, blonde hair and light skin will mix with the light to lessen the impression of baldness. Wavy hair is also effective at offering more scalp covering. Thicker hair will help hide bald areas, while curly hair can be difficult to deal with because it can make the hair follicle more difficult to trace. This is why it is important to book a consultation with one of our skilled surgeons here at Queen Clinic to determine if the hair transplant procedure is the right choice for you or not.

Image illustrating a patient satisfied with the results of his hair transplant.

5 Common Reasons To Consider Getting A Hair Transplant

Self-Esteem Boost

Some people who suffer from hair loss can choose to go bald and they will still look great, but some other people consider their hair an important factor in their appearance, so losing their hair can cause problems in their psychological state.  

Hair loss can cause difficulties in both social and professional situations, making individuals not feel good about themselves and even embarrassed to leave the house. So, choosing to go through with the hair transplant procedure will make you feel more happy with your appearance and will make you more secure to return to your daily life activities. You won't be embarrassed about your looks by anyone and will not feel the need to hide anymore. The hair transplant procedure will restore your self-confidence, make you happier and it will allow you to live your life to the fullest. 

No Side Effects

While we know that every medical procedure has possible side effects, a hair transplant is considered very safe. The patient will be under the effect of local anesthesia so he won't be able to feel any pain or discomfort during the surgery. A small needle will be used to transplant the hair from the back of the scalp to the bald area, the preciseness of the needle will minimize possible scarring and will make sure you don't end up with uncomfortable scars. 

Also, you should know that the recovery period after a hair transplant is short and people can return to their activities in no time. However, the results can take some time so you should be patient. Despite the possible side effects, the hair transplant procedure has a high success rate and it is considered a very safe way to restore your hair and self-confidence.

Natural Looking Hair

One huge advantage of the hair transplant procedure is that it provides natural-looking results. This technique will make sure the hair will regrow on areas where you have bald spots. After the procedure, you should maintain your hair just like you do with your natural ones. You can wash, comb, and style them however you like and you may even grow them and get your favorite hair cut again. If the hair transplant is done with the right technique and by the right experienced surgeon, most people won't be able to tell you have had something done. The results can take some time to show, so you have to be patient, but once they grow out the new hair will not only restore your confidence but even your appearance. 

Image illustrating the natural-looking results of a hair transplant in Turkey.

Permanent Results

There are several ways to cover bald spots and to hide them, but they are just temporary solutions and if you consider using medicine you should know that the results will take a long time to show, and if the medicine is stopped the positive results will go away. 

As we mentioned before, even if the results may take some time to show, once they are there, the regrown hair will be permanent. The hormones that cause balding are resistant to this procedure and this is what makes the results long-lasting and not affected by these conditions.

Safe and Easy Procedure

The hair transplant procedure has a very high success rate and it is considered very safe. If you are afraid of pain, don't be because the doctors have several ways to help you be comfortable, like using mild sedatives. The discomfort and pain during the procedure will also be eliminated by the administration of anesthesia. Overall the hair transplant procedure is very safe and effective if you are suffering from hair loss and want to treat this issue. Most people will recover in a short time and return to their everyday activities shortly. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Transplants

How common is hair loss?

Every day, between 50 and 150 individual hairs are lost from each person's head of hair. The hair will often regrow. However, if the hair follicle is thinned, this regrowth does not take place. Due to aging naturally and changes in the male hormone androgen, all men gradually lose hair over the course of their lifespan. Women may also lose their hair, so a hair transplant procedure can be the right treatment for them. 

Is hair transplantation painful?

Good news: A hair transplant is not uncomfortable. While you could feel a little pressure or movement during the process, it shouldn't be uncomfortable because the region of your scalp that the surgeon will be focused on will be numbed with a local anesthetic prior to the surgery. However, when your body begins to repair and recover following surgery, you can experience some mild discomfort or soreness at the incision sites, which can be controlled by pain medication and will start to minimize over time.

Is it worth undergoing a hair transplant?

If you can afford the high expense of the surgery and have tried treatments like Minoxidil or Rogaine without success, a hair transplant may be a suitable alternative for you. Compared to other operations, hair transplant surgery has a comparatively low risk, but it still carries some possible dangers. Overall, hair transplant procedures have come a long way and these technologies offer good and natural results. Many people who have had this procedure done consider it very worth it. 

What happens 10 years after a hair transplant?

The results of the hair transplant procedure last for a lifetime. Hair transplants that are done correctly and successfully will last your entire life and age with you. This implies that hair transplants made with donor hair will eventually become white or gray and show the effects of aging.


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The Reasons: Is A Hair Transplant Right For You?

Hair loss is a very common problem and can be difficult to deal with, as it can affect your mental and physical state. Fortunately, nowadays technology has developed and there are several technologies and procedures available to address this problem and help you regain your self-confidence. As you may know, the hair transplant procedure is the most effective technique to regrow hair. There are different types of hair transplantation techniques, and most of them involve transplanting hair follicles from the back of the head to the donor area where hair is missing. In this blog article, we will focus on factors to consider before undergoing a hair transplants and some advantages that a hair transplant might offer, to make you understand better and make the right choice for yourself.

Factors To Consider Before A Hair Transplant

Image illustrating a hair transplant consultation in Turkey at Queen Clinic.

Type of hair loss

One important factor that the doctor will consider with you, is if the hair loss is temporary or permanent. Sometimes hair can fall due to malnutrition, stress, or postpartum, so they don't need a hair transplant treatment because it is just temporary and they will often be solved over time without the need for surgery. 

If someone is diagnosed with androgenetic hair loss, which can happen in both men and women and is very common, then the hair transplant is considered the right, proper treatment because it offers long-lasting and natural results. This type of condition is caused due to hereditary factors and hormones and it affects the scalp causing permanent hair loss. These issues can cause a lot of self-esteem issues making them feel conscious about their appearance. This condition can be successfully treated by a hair transplant procedure and the results will be amazing. 

Another great use of hair transplantation is when hair loss is caused by injury or burns in the scalp area. Since no other treatment has any effect on this type of problem, the hair transplant technique remains the only viable choice. 

The type of hair loss and what caused it will be determined by a professional surgeon, who will decide if you are a suitable candidate for this procedure or if you need another treatment.

Quality of hair supply

Another important factor for the doctor to consider before proceeding with the hair transplant procedure is the quality of the hair supply. The procedure involves taking healthy hair follicles from the back of the scalp and inserting them into the recipient area, i.e., the bald spots. Therefore, to be considered a good candidate for this procedure, the hair must be in good condition. 

The donor area is usually the back or side of the scalp. Hair in this region is usually healthier and thicker, which means that when hair is implemented in the recipient area it will grow in the same way. Hair at the nape of the neck is also less likely to fall out, making this region perfect for being the donor area. 

The transplanted follicles will continue to grow naturally, resulting in a natural hairline and thicker, denser hair. While this is a great way to address hair loss, keep in mind that not everyone is considered a suitable candidate for a hair transplant procedure, and a consultation with a certified Queen Clinic surgeon will determine this.

Image of a doctor assessing a patient's hair before proceeding with a hair transplant in Turkey.

Age of the candidate

The hairline will continue to develop until the age of 25, so surgeons recommend waiting a while even if you are experiencing premature hair loss. Although some people may suffer from hair loss due to various factors, you should still wait until it is fully developed before deciding whether or not to go ahead with this procedure. You should also keep in mind that if you get a hair transplant at a young age you may need further treatment over time because other hair will continue to fall out. 

Candidate's health

As with any other cosmetic surgery, the candidate must be in excellent health before undergoing hair transplant surgery. You will need to talk to your doctor about your medical history, because some conditions may make you unsuitable for this surgery. The better your immune system is, the faster the recovery process will be. Your health condition will most likely not affect the procedure and your suitability for it, but to be safe you should talk to your doctor to avoid any infection or damage to your health. 

Hair type

Another important factor for the doctor to consider before the hair transplant procedure is the patient's hair type. For example, blond hair and fair skin blend in light to lessen the impression of baldness. Wavy hair is also effective in providing more scalp coverage. Thicker hair helps hide bald areas, while curly hair can be difficult to treat because it can make the hair follicle harder to track. This is why it is important to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced surgeons here at Queen Clinic to determine whether or not the hair transplant procedure is the right choice for you.

Image illustrating a patient satisfied with the results of his hair transplant.

5 Common Reasons To Consider Getting A Hair Transplant

Increased self-esteem

Some people who suffer from hair loss can choose to go bald and they will still look great, but some other people consider their hair an important factor in their appearance, so losing their hair can cause problems in their psychological state.  

Hair loss can cause difficulties in both the social and professional spheres, making people feel uncomfortable with themselves and even embarrassed to leave the house. Choosing to undergo hair transplant surgery will make you feel more satisfied with your appearance and make you more confident to return to your daily activities. You will no longer be embarrassed about your appearance by anyone and no longer feel the need to hide. Hair transplant surgery will restore your self-confidence, make you happier and enable you to live your best life. 

No Side Effects

Although we know that every medical procedure has possible side effects, hair transplantation is considered very safe. The patient will be under the effect of local anesthesia, so he or she will not experience any pain or discomfort during the procedure. A small needle will be used to transplant hair from the back of the scalp to the bald area; the precision of the needle will minimize possible scarring and ensure that you will not end up with any uncomfortable scars. 

Also, you should know that the recovery period after a hair transplant is short, and people can return to their activities in a short time. However, the results may take some time, so one must be patient. Despite possible side effects, the hair transplant procedure has a high success rate and is considered a very safe way to regain hair and self-confidence.

Natural-looking hair

A huge advantage of the hair transplant procedure is that it provides natural-looking results. This technique causes hair to grow back in areas where bald spots are present. After the procedure, the hair must be maintained just like natural hair. You can wash, comb and style it as you like, and you can also grow it out and get your favorite cut again. If the hair transplant is done with the right technique and by the right experienced surgeon, most people will not be able to tell that you have had surgery. The results can take a while to show up, so you have to be patient, but once you grow new hair it will not only restore your self-confidence but also your appearance. 

Image illustrating the natural-looking results of a hair transplant in Turkey.

Permanent Results

There are several ways to cover baldness and hide it, but they are only temporary solutions, and if you consider using medication you should know that the results will take a long time to manifest, and if the medication is stopped the positive results will disappear. 

As we mentioned earlier, although the results take some time to manifest, once achieved, the regrown hair will be permanent. The hormones that cause baldness are resistant to this procedure, and this is what makes the results long-lasting and unaffected by these conditions.

Safe and Easy Procedure

The hair transplant procedure has a very high success rate and is considered very safe. If you are afraid of pain, do not be afraid because doctors have several ways to help you stay calm, such as the use of mild sedatives. Discomfort and pain during the procedure will also be eliminated by the administration of anesthesia. Overall, the hair transplant procedure is very safe and effective if you suffer from hair loss and want to treat this problem. Most people will recover in a short time and return to their daily activities. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Transplants

How common is hair loss?

Between 50 and 150 hairs are lost from a person's head every day. Often the hair grows back. However, if the hair follicle is thinned, regrowth does not occur. Due to natural aging and changes in the male hormone androgen, all men gradually lose hair over their lifetime. Women can also lose hair, so a hair transplant may be the right treatment for them. 

Is hair transplantation painful?

Good news: Hair transplantation is not uncomfortable. Although you may feel some pressure or movement during the process, it should not be uncomfortable because the region of the scalp the surgeon will focus on will be anesthetized with a local anesthetic before the procedure. However, as the body begins to repair and recover after surgery, there may be some mild discomfort or soreness at the incision sites, which can be controlled with pain medications and will begin to subside with time.

Is it worth undergoing a hair transplant?

If you can afford the high cost of the surgery and have tried treatments such as Minoxidil or Rogaine without success, hair transplantation may be a suitable alternative for you. Compared to other procedures, hair transplant surgery has a relatively low risk, but it still carries some possible dangers. Overall, hair transplant procedures have come a long way, and these technologies offer good, natural-looking results. Many people who have undergone this surgery feel that it has been worth it. 

What happens 10 years after a hair transplant?

The results of the hair transplant procedure last a lifetime. Hair transplants performed correctly and successfully will last a lifetime and will age with you. This implies that hair transplants performed with donor hair will eventually turn white or gray and show the effects of aging.